Why Should I Hire a College Consultant?


Applying to college is complicated.  The End.  

In all seriousness, it is true--  applying to college is complex and nuanced.  The answer to most questions related to college admissions is “it depends”.  The job on an Independent Education Consultant (IEC) is to understand the nuance and translate the complexity of your student’s college search into tangible, action oriented steps. Here are some other reasons:    

  • Sometimes you just need an expert.  If your student is struggling academically or not meeting a goal they want to accomplish, what do you do?  You hire a tutor or a coach.  When I played softball in high school and wanted to improve my hitting, my parents hired a hitting coach.  An IEC is a coach for your student’s college search with the expertise to support them.   

  • Nagging your student is not fun!  Applying to college is the first real adult process your student will undertake and it’s scary.  The process of applying to college is the foundation for so many other adult things (ex: living away from home, paying bills, etc).  It also has real world implications that high schoolers  just cannot understand.  An IEC can help them learn to tackle a complex, year-long project without you having to nag, while they learn the skills they need to manage adult processes and decision making.   

  • Your student may listen to an IEC.  Teenagers want quick, definitive answers to most questions.  This makes the college search process frustrating because there are no quick answers.  An IEC is an expert about the college admissions process and can answer the complex questions to help your student apply to college and for financial aid. 

Are you still interested in hiring an IEC?  Check out my blog “What Should I ask When Hiring a College Consultant?”    

Interested in working with me?  Send me an email at hello@apariciocollegecounsulting.com and we can set up a complementary 15 minute conversation to see if I would be a good fit for your family.  


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